Privacy Policy

Walker Tuition maintains a strict policy of client confidentiality. This policy relates to all information you provide to Walker Tuition and all data that Walker Tuition holds in relation to your use of the site. It supplements and is in addition to the Terms and Conditions and should be read in conjunction with them.

What do we collect?

Clients - Registration and student details: This includes details such as your name, email address, address, telephone number, your child's name, your child's school year and your child's educational background.

Tutors - Details: Name, telephone number, email address, relevant qualifications held and details of relevant teaching / tutoring experience. We may also store your bank details for the purpose of making payments to you for work done through Walker Tuition.

What do we do with your information?

We will use your personal data to fulfil tutoring requests, meet our contractual obligations, and deliver a high quality service to clients and tutors.

Sharing information with third parties

Clients: After clients have had their initial conversation about their requirements, we will share the student details with the tutor so that the tutor knows where the tutoring will happen, so that the tutor can prepare for the assignment and so that the tutor can contact the client to arrange lessons. Other than sharing information with a specific tutor on the basis above, we will keep your personal information confidential within our company and not pass it on to any third parties unless we are required to do so by law.

Tutors: The information that you provide to Walker Tuition forms the basis of a tutor profile. This includes the following information: a photograph, the subjects that you teach, your teaching experience and a personal biography. This profile may be published on the Walker Tuition website, with your permission. Walker Tuition may share your profile with prospective clients. We will pass on your contact details to clients who have chosen to proceed with you as a tutor. Other than sharing information with our clients on the basis outlined above we will keep your personal information confidential within our company and not pass it on to any third parties unless we are required to do so by law.

How do we keep your information safe?

We take reasonable steps to ensure that your information is kept safe and will endeavour to protect it from unauthorised access. Your information will only be kept for a commercially reasonable period of time for the purposes stated above.

Access to your data

You have the right to request a copy of all personal information that we hold about you at no cost. We will also correct any inaccuracies in your information at your request.


Occasionally we will contact you with information about courses or other services that we think may be of interest to you. This will usually be by text or email. Some of our emails and newsletters employ tracking so that we can monitor at an individual level whether a recipient has opened the email and what content they have clicked on. We only send our newsletter to recipients where there is a legitimate interest to do so. We will always provide you with the option to opt out of these notices. We will never sell your information to third parties.

Changes to this policy

This policy may be changed or amended at our discretion, so you should review it from time to time so you are aware of any changes.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Child Protection Policy

1. Introduction

Walker Tuition will ensure that students tutored through them are given tuition in a congenial and safe environment. Each tutor has a moral and legal obligation to ensure that, when given responsibility for young people, these young people are treated with the highest possible standard of care. A child/young person is defined as a person under the age of 18 (The Children's Act 1989 and 2004).

2. Policy Statement

Walker Tuition's tutors are committed to ensuring that:

    (a) the welfare of the child is paramount;

    (b) all children, whatever their age, culture, ability, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief and/or sexual identity are able to receive the benefit of tutoring in a safe environment;

    (c) all reasonable steps are taken to protect children from harm, discrimination and demeaning treatment and to respect their rights, wishes and feelings;

    (d) all suspicions and allegations of poor practice or abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately in accordance with our complaints procedure;

    (e) all tutors who work with children will be recruited with regard to their suitability for that responsibility, and will seek guidance and/or training in good practice and child protection procedures;

    (f) they work in partnership with parents and children – which is essential for the protection of children.

    3. Monitor and review the policy and procedures

    This policy shall be reviewed annually or whenever there is a major change in the organisation or in relevant legislation.

    Code of Ethics

    All of our tutors agree and adhere to the below, as outlined by The Tutors' Association.

    1. I understand that my role as a tutor is to encourage and enable pupils to achieve their unique potential as independent learners through acknowledgement, encouragement, understanding, and personalised attention.
    2. I will be careful to avoid creating any unhealthy dependencies by suggesting a need for tutoring where no such need exists; reporting in a manner that explicitly or implicitly suggests a need for further on-going tutoring or engaging in any practice that undermines the independent learning of pupils.
    3. I will not engage in any form of plagiarism, such as completing pupils' homework assignments for them.
    4. I will demonstrate faith in my pupils' learning ability and provide honest, positive and constructive feedback.
    5. I understand the need to be flexible in my approach to tutoring to assist my pupils in discovering effective learning strategies.
    6. I undertake to keep up-to-date with advances in subject knowledge and pedagogy.
    7. I undertake to comply with Walker Tuition’s Child Protection Policy.
    8. I am committed to identifying any particular challenges or difficulties my pupils might have with their learning and to assisting them in overcoming those barriers.
    9. I will share with my client any concerns I have about pupils' social, emotional and behavioural difficulties that are beyond my competency to address.
    10. I will identify to my client any special educational needs that are beyond my experience or ability to resolve, in order that they may secure for them the right kind of specialist help.
    11. Any referrals I make will come with full disclosure of any personal or material interest.
    12. I understand that my relationship to my pupils is professional and not personal and that I have a duty of care towards them.
    13. I will keep information about the pupil whom I am assigned confidential, unless doing so would be to result in injury or harm being done to them.
    14. I will show respect for my pupils' cultural background, personal dignity and values.
    15. I will maintain accurate records of tutoring sessions as expected and required.

    Complaints Policy

    We are always seeking ways to improve our service and welcome all feedback. Should you have a complaint please follow the guidelines below:


    1. This complaints procedure is intended as a means of facilitating resolution of issues in the event that clients of Walker Tuition are dissatisfied with the support they receive.
    2. It is not intended as a legal framework or contract – however, it is our sincere intention at Walker Tuition to resolve Client's issues swiftly and impartially, in order to maintain and improve the support we offer.
    3. In the first instance, we encourage Clients to informally raise issues regarding the service they have received with their tutor, so that they may be resolved through discussion.
    4. If issues cannot be resolved informally through discussion with the tutor, then the Client is encouraged to contact Sarah Walker, Founder and Director of Walker Tuition, by email If the complaint is regarding Sarah Walker, please see step 3. If this has been explored then see step 5.
    5. If issues cannot be resolved informally through discussion with the tutor or Sarah Walker then Clients are advised to formally raise a grievance, outlining the issue in writing to At this stage, Walker Tuition will appoint a team member to investigate the issue who is not directly delivering support to the Client.
    6. This appointed member will notify the Client that they are investigating the matter, and will endeavour to resolve it impartially. The investigating member may need to contact both parties involved in the issue, to discuss each side and consider any documentation or information relevant to resolution. The investigating member will contact the Client within 7 days of the issue being formally raised, and will notify them of the outcome.
    7. Should the Client remain unsatisfied with the outcome, Walker Tuition will appoint a Review Officer to reconsider the issue. The Review Officer (wherever possible external to Walker Tuition, and from an associated professional body) will discuss it with both parties, and with the investigating member. The Review Officer will endeavour to notify all parties of their decision within 7 days. This decision is final.

    Terms and Conditions

    In these Terms and Conditions the following definitions apply: ‘Tutor’ means the person introduced by Walker Tuition to the Client for an Engagement. ‘Client’ means the person to whom the introduction of a Tutor is made. ‘Agency’ means Walker Tuition Tutoring Agency. ‘Student’ means the person who receives the tutoring service through sessions of tutoring. ‘Session’ means the individual contact time between the Tutor and the Student. ‘Engagement’ means the Client using a Tutor for tuition. ‘Introduction’ means the passing to the Client of Tutor Information. ‘Agreed Hourly Rate’ means the rate payable for tuition as agreed between the Agency and the Client. ‘Accompanying Adult’ means a parent or guardian or in the event of neither being available, any responsible person, over the age of 18. 

    1. Introduction: The decision of a client to request Tutor Information shall form acceptance of these terms and conditions. Walker Tuition reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions and associated documentation at any time. No variation or alteration of these terms and conditions and associated documentation by the client shall be valid unless expressly approved in writing by Walker Tuition. These terms and conditions do not affect your statutory rights. This agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales and the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

    2. Booking, Cancellation and Rescheduling:

     2.1 Walker Tuition contracts tutors for term time sessions and by booking with us, Clients are committing to undertake regular term time slots with their Tutor. 

    2.2 Sessions during school holidays are scheduled at the Client/Tutor discretion. 

    2.3 Bank Holidays and other national or religious holidays that either the Tutor or the Client wish to observe, are considered school holidays and Clients are under no obligation to schedule a Session.

     2.4 We will follow the school holiday calendar of the borough in which the student attends school (or lives where the child does not attend school). 

    2.5 We would like to be as flexible as possible with the rescheduling of sessions and initially leave one-off rescheduling to Client/Tutor discretion. However, Walker Tuition must respect the contracts it has with Tutors and requires that the Client give the tutor a notice period of at least 48 hours to request the rescheduling of a session.

     2.6 The Tutor is never under any obligation to reschedule a pre-arranged session.

     2.7 Where it has not been possible to reschedule a Session for any reason, the Session will be cancelled completely and will remain chargeable or not be refunded. 

    2.8 Where a Client repeatedly cancels or asks to reschedule a Session, Walker Tuition reserve the right to review the length of this contract with the Client. 

    2.9 Where a Session results in being cancelled due to the Tutor being unable to attend, the Session will not be chargeable or it will be refunded.

    2.10 It is the responsibility of the Client to notify Walker Tuition immediately and in any event within 24 hours if the Tutor fails to attend the Session or notifies the Client that (s)he is unable to attend the Session for any reason. 

    2.11 It is the responsibility of the Client to ensure that an Accompanying Adult is present at the address where the Session is taking place and for the duration of the Session. Accompanying Adults must make themselves known to the Tutor at the start of each Session. Tutors are not permitted to teach a Student who is under 18 in a residence without and Accompanying Adult being present in the residence at the same time. If no Accompanying Adult can be provided the Session will be terminated and a refund will not be applied. If the Session takes place online, then an Accompanying Adult must still make themselves known at the beginning of the session. All online Sessions will be recorded. 

    2.12 If the Student and/or Accompanying Adult are/is late for a Session, the Tutor is not obligated to work beyond the scheduled end time and the Session will be charged at the Agreed Hourly Rate. If the Tutor agrees to work beyond the scheduled end time at the Client’s request, Walker Tuition reserves the right to charge the Client for the additional time. 

    2.13 If a Tutor is late for a Session, then the Tutor is obliged to arrange to make up the lost time.

    2.14 If the Student or Client chooses to terminate a Session early (for example, after one hour of a two-hour session), the Session will be charged at the usual price.

    3. Termination and Replacement: 

    3.1 The Termination or Conclusion of the Agreement occurs when all of the obligations under this contract are complete or discharged, excluding the ongoing undertakings in section 3 (Prohibition of other Arrangements) of this contract. Conclusion of the Agreement will typically occur at the end of the final lesson but may occur at another time in accordance with section 0 (Introduction) of this contract.

     3.2 If the Client wishes to terminate the Sessions mid-course for any reason, no refunds can be granted for the balance of Sessions that have been taught; furthermore, one week’s notice must be provided. In that week the Client may choose to utilise the Session or Sessions that were scheduled to occur during that week, or not, but will not be refunded if the Client chooses not to utilise the Session or Sessions during that week. 

    3.3 If the Tutor is unable to complete the course of pre-scheduled Sessions, or the Client requests a replacement Tutor because they are not satisfied with the original Tutor assigned to them, Walker Tuition will endeavour to find up to two suitable replacement tutors with regard to the level and subject for which tuition is required. 

    3.4 If Walker Tuition is unable to find such a suitable replacement Tutor within a reasonable time to complete the remaining scheduled Sessions, Walker Tuition will refund any portion of the fees pre-paid by the Client representing the number of Sessions that the tutor or any replacement tutor has been unable to complete. 

    3.5 If the replacement Tutors meet Walker Tuition’s criteria for suitability for the job in terms of subject and level knowledge and is available at the same time or another time convenient for the Client, then Walker Tuition has fulfilled its obligations; if the client then wishes to terminate the tuition mid-course, the provisions of paragraph 3.2 will apply.

    4. Prohibition of other Arrangements: 

    4.1 A Tutor will be deemed to have been introduced to the Client by Walker Tuition in the event that either the name of the Tutor is provided to the Client by Walker Tuition following the request for a Tutor by the Client, or Walker Tuition arranges for a Tutor to contact the Client following such request for a Tutor provided by the Client to Walker Tuitions.

    4.2 The Client or the Student are not permitted to enter into any private arrangements with any Tutor introduced by Walker Tuition. The Client undertakes to make all bookings with Tutors introduced by Walker Tuition exclusively through Walker Tuition.

     4.3 The Client will not agree any alternative fees with the Tutor and agrees not to render any direct payments to the Tutor. 

    4.4 The Client agrees that they will not disclose any confidential information concerning the Tutor or Walker Tuition to any person for the duration of this agreement and for a period of five years after termination of the agreement, save as required by law, court order or any governmental or regulatory authority. 

    4.5 Should you wish to recommend one of Walker Tuition’s tutors to any other potential or actual client, that client must contact Walker Tuition to make a booking through the agency. 

    4.6 A breach of these terms will render the Client liable to account to Walker Tuition for all sums received by the Tutor direct from the Client or from a new Client without deduction and Walker Tuition shall be entitled to seek injunctions against the Client to prevent further breaches. These obligations continue beyond the termination or conclusion of this agreement.

    5. Payment: 

    5.1 The Client agrees to the purchase of tutoring services on behalf of the Student.

    5.2 The Client will pay all monies directly to Walker Tuition by bank transfer within seven days of the Session taking place. 

    5.3 All monies and payments will be paid to Walker Tuition, never to the Tutor directly.

    6. Expenses: 

    6.1 Provided the Client gives clear prior consent in writing, the Tutor may obtain educational resources such as textbooks on behalf of the Client/Student. As stated in section 4 – Prohibition of Other Arrangements, the Client agrees not to render any direct payments to the Tutor. Walker Tuition must be informed of any such arrangement to obtain educational resources, and will arrange payment or reimbursement for the Tutor via invoice to the Client.

    7.Code of Conduct & Child Protection: 

    7.1 Clients are required to honour the Child Protection Policy, copies of which are available on the Walker Tuition website.

    8. Breech of Agreement:

    Where Walker Tuition’s Terms and Conditions, Child Protection Policy or Code of Conduct are breeched, Walker Tuition reserve the right to terminate the contract without refunding monies paid. Client code of conduct Tutorial Space and Safeguarding Clients must provide a safe, clean space in which a lesson can take place. Please ensure that an accompanying adult is present in the residence for the duration of the session. Tutors are not permitted to teach a student who is under 18 in a residence without and accompanying adult being present in the residence at the same time. If no accompanying adult can be provided the session will be terminated and a refund will not be applied. The door to the tutorial room must be kept open during the contact time. Lessons must not take place in a student’s bedroom.

    Punctuality, Timing & Feedback: Student and accompanying adult should be at the address where the session is to take place within enough time to allow the tutor time to set up and begin teaching the session at the pre-arranged time. Students should be ready to begin a session at the pre-arranged time. Tutors are not required to add time onto the end of a session to make up for a delay in the start of a session because the student or accompanying adult was not present or ready to begin. Tutors are available for debriefing up to 5 minutes after a session. If more than 5 minutes is required then we request that the client either book in a separate feedback session with the tutor or agree for the tutor to reduce the teaching time of a future session(s) to enable them to give the amount of feedback time required. 

    Attitude: Tutors must be treated respectfully and appropriate language must be used, swearing or innuendo will not be tolerated. Where there is a problem with the tutor this must be reported to Walker Tuition immediately. 

    Mobile Phones: Students should not use mobile phones during contact time. Where a phone is needed for learning purposes then this should be explained to the tutor and noted to the accompanying adult present in the house and the phone use should be exclusively for the learning purpose intended. 

    Safeguarding Policy: Walker Tuition Tutoring Agency carries out activities which bring our tutors and people working on behalf of our organisation into regular unsupervised contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. This includes providing tutoring and educational services in the students’ home and elsewhere. Walker Tuition takes its responsibilities to safeguard and protect the interests of all young children very seriously. 

    Privacy policy
